What is a Bailiff?
The term ‘Bailiff’ sends a shiver down many property owners spine. For the sake of clarity & clearing of common misconception, some popular uses of bailiffs include the following:
- Enforcing a debt or fine
- Eviction upon instruction by a landlord
- Repossession of goods.
Frequently, the term bailiffs & repossession go hand in hand.
Bailiffs have court appointed power. They can be instructed to seize goods from your home if you fail to pay your creditors and the debt has been passed to the courts to enforce. A common example of this is a County Court Judgement (CCJ).
Bailiffs are also used in order to repossess your home. Hence forth, the threat of bailiffs & repossession is a common fear of property owners.
Bailiffs & Repossession of Property
Before any action is taken, bailiffs receive instruction by a warrant. This enables them with the power to reclaim any debts, including up to the repossession of your home.
Bailiffs must enter your property by ‘peaceable’ means on first visit. However, once inside, bailiffs are able to force entry into any & all parts of your home. They may also value contents of your home for sale for reclaiming of outstanding debt.
Naturally, property owners would like to avoid the issues of bailiffs with any efforts necessary. However, this is not always possible. As well as monumental stress, bailiffs & repossession also has a social stigma. The very act of a bailiff appearing at your door is a problematic scenario for any property owner. Bailiffs are aware of the stigma their presence causes & use this to their advantage in their dealings.
Bailiffs & repossession are a traumatic experience for any individual. When your home is at stake, this is obviously ten-fold. Fortunately, there is help available for property owners in fear of bailiffs & repossession. Immediate Bank Claims is an organisation founded to address the unjust balance in the banking system. Through expert lender negotiations, we are able to cease the enforcement of bailiffs. We can stop bailiffs arriving at your door. Immediate Bank Claims even offers free one hour consultations to property owners in fear of bailiffs & repossession.
If you are at risk of bailiffs & repossession, call the stop repossession experts now. You can get in contact with head office directly on 020 7127 9134 or by emailing enquiries@immediatebankclaims.co.uk.
Contact Us for Immediate Help and Confidential Free Consultation!
There is help for bailiffs & repossession available. Don’t suffer unjustly in silence!
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